Blog — Mikroplastik

Mikroplastik in Kosmetik und Duschgel: Die Unsichtbare Gefahr für Mensch und Umwelt

Microplastics in cosmetics and shower gel: The invisible danger to people and the environment

Most people attach great importance to their skin care and hygiene. But what many people don't know is that some conventional cosmetics and shower gel products pose an invisible danger - microplastics. Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that are often used as exfoliating or cleaning components in our care products. However, these tiny particles have a significant impact on our health and the environment. The effects of microplastics on humans: Skin irritation: The sharp edges of microplastic particles can damage the skin and cause redness and irritation. Absorption through the skin: Microplastics can penetrate the outer layer of skin and...

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